We are adding some new items on our "Gifts to Go" page, like "Attitude Scarves" made from up-cycled t-shirts. We have gotten a great response for unique items that also work for gift giving and we are partnered with a grassroots movement to promote buying from USA companies and small businesses. Please take the challenge and keep checking back to our page as we continue to update with items that we think you may enjoy. As always, custom orders are also accepted!
Everybody has been touched and affected by knowing someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. We are partnering with "Comfort Stitches" to provide items for breast cancer patients to help comfort them through their treatment and recovery to better health. This is a great purpose for our remnants and time in between projects and just to provide a service back to our community and friends. Please spread the word and keep us in mind should you encounter a woman who could benefit from a "Comfort Stitches" set which includes a Bosom Buddy Pillow and 2 Tub Bags. The sets are free and we will ship them if needed. Please visit our page "Comfort Stitches" For Cancer for the details and more importantly spread the word, thanks! Wow, once again I get myself to my blog page because I feel like I haven't added anything new in awhile...and WHAM, I face the reality that a few months have gone by in a blip of time.
Facebook changes today...love them or hate them. The verdict is out for me but I don't "dislike" it as much as I did the AM. And I would like to see the "dislike" button added back to the features. Social media can create social change, one person at a time. My goal between now and Nov 6th is to try to inact some type of tidal social wave. Why would I pick nov 6th, you may ask? That is when we go off Daylight Savings time, another shift in our biological frame and a good time to enact change in our world. We'll see what happens but I hope you join me for the wave...it may be a good ride for a change! And just so you have something pretty to look at, here is a link into my Etsy store! |